Credit cards are now the norms every one uses it. They are the safest way to make payments to the sellers this method carries no risk of theft or anything else. [Read more] |
ArticlesThe Evolution of The Stock Markets In IndiaThe equity markets in India have been evolving and evolving rapidly. The Bombay Stock Exchange Of India was the pioneer in bringing about the concept of share trading in India and this happened more than 100 years ago. However, the National Stock Exchange Of India laid the foundation of a technological environment which gave a boost to the growth of the Indian Stock Markets. The Indian Stock Markets have been witness to a gradual shift from the outcry system of trading to a seamless environment wherein stocks are now being transferred from the seller to the buyer in the electronic mode. The shift to the online transfer of securities have been the result of the introduction of depositories into the landscape of the Indian stock markets. In the earlier times, Stocks shifted hands through physical delivery of certificates from the seller to the buyer through a registered stock broker. This transfer was authenticated when the seller signed the transfer deeds and passed on to the buyer through the stock broker which in turn was sent by the buyer to the company for registration. However, this process of buying and selling securities has now gone into the archives as the depository participants have given a new meaning to the transfer of securities through advanced technological implementations. The depository participants in India have systems in place to facilitate online transfer of securities. Another important factor to fasten the process of the share trading cult in India is the growth of online broking platforms to faciliate the trading of stocks. In effect, online stock trading in India can boast of innovations in share trading as well as share transfer and this has resulted in a new breed of technologically savvy investors and traders who are now instrumental in driving the equity cult in India. Sanjeev has been tracking the growth of the Indian Stock Markets for a considerable period of time. He has set up an information based website catering to the Indian Stock Market community at Stock Market India Credit Cards Making Real Estate WorkWhen Youre Married to Your Partner - Making Real Estate Investing Work - When You're Married to Your Partner. Forex Trading Getting Started - It is not so easy to get started with the forex trading business for a beginner especially when one is a retailer. Using my Home to clear all my Debt - Becoming a home owner is one of the most important things you will do in your life. Joint Ventures A Safe Way To Start Investing - Real estate investing has long been a viable way to invest money and make a decent profit. The Evolution of The Stock Markets In India - The Indian Stock Markets have been witness to a gradual shift from the outcry system of trading to a seamless environment wherein stocks are now being transferred from the seller to the buyer in the electronic mode. more... |
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